Bridge to Better Health Fiji

Welcome | Bula!

Welcome to Fiji’s Bridge to Better Health resources. These resources are intended to support the unique needs of facilitators as they teach program attendees to learn new Lifestyle Medicine principles that will help manage non-communicable diseases (NCD) or the risk of developing NCD’s.

Although Lifestyle Medicine principles are consistent around the globe, each culture has different taste preferences, food availability, cooking methods and languages, in addition to different environments and accepted practices. The Fijian materials on this website will support fellow Fijians who have NCDs and learn to live a healthier way of living with the intention of regaining optimal health.

quinoa and fruit
Rice paper rolls
roasted capsicum and eggplant

We would love you to share some of your recipes and other resources.

Resource use in B2BH Programs

These resources have been developed in consultation with Fijian Facilitators and Trainers. They are intended to support Facilitators during program delivery and participants as they learn a new way of life.

However, we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to:

  • share tested recipes on this website for other facilitators to use
  • menu ideas
  • resources your participants found helpful
  • share great stories of success 
  • or suggestions on improving the resources.

Just email:

Resources available

Facilitator Manual
Participant workbook

Letter to doctor or clinic (optional)
All resources in Manual (printable)

B2BH Training Program

Printable posters and brochures

Perpetual calendar

Feedback form, Good News Stories, Letter to Dr or Clinic
