

Everyone loves food. Yet, food is the cause of many health problems experienced by program participants. As the Bridge to Better Health program progresses, it is important to support your participants as they make positive changes in their food choices.

This requires facilitators to have a good understanding of plant-based foods, recipes, and menus and to be able to demonstrate and communicate these to your program attendees.


Attached are three weeks of menu suggestions to provide ideas for eating differently. These menus do not have calorie/kilojoule restrictions and are suitable for the whole family.

Demonstrate some of these recipes during your program. Choose menu options that your participants are more likely to enjoy as their taste buds adjust to new flavours and textures.


This section will change and grow over time as more recipes are added. And this is where we need you! If you have recipes that your participants or family enjoy, and you would like to have included on this page please send them to B2BH team using the recipe template.

Types of recipes include:

  • Breakfast
  • Main meals
  • Light Meals
  • Vegetables
  • Soups
  • Sauces Spread and Gravies
  • Desserts

Recipes should include the following:

  • Use whole plants – vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts and seeds!
  • Be minimally processed where possible
  • Tasty
  • Little to no added processed or refined sugar
  • Fats in real foods, such as nuts, seeds, avocado or coconut, are better than manufactured and processed oils added to foods. If oils are needed, use small amounts of coconut or olive oils
  • Use Local produce rather than imported goods
  • Focus on simple cooking and preparation processes as most people will only have basic kitchen equipment – bowls, knives, pots, cooking stove or fire

Final Note

Food is an important part of everyday life. We encourage you to choose the best foods when nourishing your body, feeding your family, recovering your health and even celebrating!

Recipe Templates


Food Ideas (in English)

Food Ideas (in Fijian/Indian)